What is Ooooby?

Out of our own back yards.



Ooooby (Out Of Our Own Back Yards) began as an idea in response to the overwhelming evidence that our modern industrial food systems are causing more damage than they are worth.

Ooooby was started by Pete Russell who came from a background in an international food importing business, when he realised things needed to change. Initially an online food growers network in late 2010, Ooooby started delivery of local food boxes. Working with local farmers, the idea was to run a highly efficient operation, allowing more of the customer’s dollar to go to the farmer, and creating a system in which smaller farmers had a viable, consistent outlet for their produce. In turn Ooooby could forge a closer relationship between farmer and customer, allowing trust to build around where their food was coming from.

This model was initially built in Auckland as a prototype to see if it could work. If successful, the idea was to take a proven business model, as well as any tools developed, and help other communities around the world use this template to develop their own local food systems in an environmentally, socially and financially sustainable way.

The purpose of Ooooby is to rebuild local food systems by facilitating easy access to local food in a fair, sustainable and transparent way.

We are working to create a world where;

  • our food supply and communities are resilient and capable of feeding the people through changing times
  • the food system is a commonly held asset managed sustainably by people who care for impact more than money
  • growers prosper in a balanced and sustainable way
  • our children appreciate the importance of a healthy inclusive food system

Evolution and growth

Since starting box deliveries in Auckland, New Zealand, Ooooby now operates in Sydney, Australia with new hubs in pre-launch stage in Seattle and Fresno, USA.

Important milestones reached so far include;

  • Financial viability at low box numbers. Allowing those working for Ooooby to be paid fairly for their time and meaning that anyone starting an Ooooby elsewhere could feel secure in the knowledge that they would be able to support their family.
  • City-wide delivery without a dedicated fleet. By partnering with existing distribution companies, start up costs stay low while allowing a wide reach to customers.
  • High awareness of Ooooby. With thousands of people in the online grower community, growers are increasingly reaching out to Ooooby as an outlet for their local produce and goods.
  • Convenience and choice. Initially, Ooooby offered one box, and no say in what was in it. Today, Ooooby offers a large selection of extras such as breads, eggs, meats, cereals, and household products. Additionally, customers can choose a full choice, make-it-yourself box. This shows customisability is possible, logistically and financially, which is important in making local food convenient and accessible to large numbers of people.
  • Mature, powerful digital tools. Part of the Ooooby package is tools that reduce human workload and allow a cost-effective yet accurate operation. These have been developed in close collaboration with the physical operation to ensure they are useful, efficient and relevant.

Current operation

The current operation has several stages throughout the week. Boxes are planned with available produce on a Thursday, allowing customers a window in which to order extras or custom boxes, before orders are placed with farmers on Friday at 8am. Over the weekend the farmers organise their harvest, and then on either Monday day or Tuesday morning they drop off the produce to our packing hub.

Tuesday morning packing starts, and this is done by around noon. Half the boxes are delivered to a courier for distribution around Auckland, while half are stored in a refrigerated container for delivery the next day on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon customers are billed for their boxes, starting the cycle again.

Customers have a range of customisability options. They can choose from a wide range of add-ons, from eggs and bread to salami and tea. They can set a ‘no thanks’ list for produce they don’t like, and they can top up their box with extra produce or create a custom box from scratch if they get back to us within the ordering window.

The Ooooby story has only just begun and you are invited to join us on an adventure of rebuilding our local food systems. www.ooooby.org

