£1Million to £2Million in 6 Months

2 min readNov 16, 2021


The pivot from an in house home delivery service to a SaaS platform for independent home delivery operations is going well.

UK platform sales (GMV) grew from £0 to £1Million in the first 12 months. The next million in GMV took only 6 months, effectively doubling the revenue rate and averaging 8% MoM growth.

In just 18 months since the UK launch Ooooby has facilitated over 100,000 deliveries to 6,000 households from 20 hubs - totalling £2Million in total order value.

Including Australia and New Zealand, Ooooby is now facilitating close to £6Million in platform sales annually, well ahead of projections.

Don’t be fooled though, this rate of growth is on the back of over a decade of foundation building, learning the craft of small-scale food and living the struggle along with hundreds of independent food producers. The challenge for small scale-food is real and the problems are many and varied.

It’s taken a lot of hard work by a dedicated and experienced team to crack the nut for a truly viable short supply chain solution, and there is so much more to be done to enable small-scale food producers to reclaim the market share that has been lost over the last few generations, but it will get done, and we feel honoured to be part of making it happen.




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